5 Countries where Prostitution is Legalized

Prostitution means sleeping with someone and getting money for it. In the whole world, there are around 42 million people who do this. While some people believe it is immoral to legalise s3x work, others believe that prostitution or s3x work shouldn’t be illegal since it’s s3x between consenting mature adults, which is why it’s legalized in some countries. Let us take a look at them:

1. Germany
In Germany, it’s okay for people to offer s3x for money, and the government even makes rules for it. They treat it like a regular job and tax it. People who do this can even find these jobs through companies that help with hiring, just like other jobs. To make sure that people who do this are treated fairly, Germany made a law in 2016. This law says that all places where people do this and the people themselves need to get special permission and certificates to do it legally.

2. Canada
In Canada, someone who offers s3x for money can ask people to pay for it, but there are rules they have to follow. They can’t talk to people or advertise to get them to pay for s3x. This is not allowed. Also, they can’t advertise for someone else to have s3x for money, which is called s3x trafficking. They can’t put up advert for their services in places where there are kids under 18 years old, like schools and places where kids play.This is to keep things safe for young people.

3. Thailand
In Thailand, the rules about prostitution are not very strict, and sometimes they’re not even followed. This gives people who do this job a lot of freedom, and nobody watches over them or tells them what to do. In Thailand, many young women do this job, and you can find them in places like red-light areas, bars, and places where massages are given.

4. Australia
In Australia, every state or area has its own rules.
These rules can be very different when it comes to whether prostitution is allowed or not. In some places like New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, and Queensland, it’s almost completely legal. But even though pimping is still not allowed, the rules about prostitution can be quite different depending on where you are in Australia.

5. Mexico
In Mexico, it’s allowed by national law for people to do prostitution, which means having s3x for money. But in many places in Mexico, arranging this for others is considered a crime. In Mexico, there are 31 areas called states, and each of them has its own rules about prostitution. Out of these, 13 states say that people can do this job, but there are rules they have to follow. In some cities, there are special places called red-light areas where people who do this job can work without any problems.

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