13 Things You Should Never Do For A Man As A Lady


1. Lose weight: If you’re determined to eat healthier and exercise more, go for it. But don’t do it to make a man find you more attractive. Do it for yourself.

2. Leave behind lifelong friends: If he wants you to limit contact with an ex, it’s understandable. But if he wants you to delete the number of the boy you’ve been best friends with since kindergarten, he’s out of line.

3. Give up your dreams: You don’t have to choose between your career and your love life. You really don’t. If he pushes you to stop pursuing your goals, leave him behind and find someone that actually encourages you to go after what you want.

4. Have any type of sex that makes you uncomfortable: Don’t let him guilt you into anal if it’s the last thing you want to do. If he really loves you, he won’t pressure you. He’ll be happy with what he gets.

5. Lower your standards: If you promised yourself you’d never date a drug addict, you probably shouldn’t date a drug addict. I don’t care how sweet he is. There’s a reason you’ve been trying to stay away from men like him.

6. Dress differently: If he loves when women wear sundresses, then you can try buying one or two. But don’t fill your closet with all new clothes, just to impress him. He should like you the way you are.

7. Do his laundry, wash his dishes, and cook his meals: In a healthy relationship, you’ll end up doing some of his chores. But you shouldn’t be doing all of them. You should be taking turns.

8. Give him every cent you earn: If he wants to stay home and take care of the housework while you bring home the paychecks, that’s fine. But don’t let him squander all of your money on HBO and booze when you didn’t pay the rent yet.

9. Change your hair: If he has a thing for blondes, but you’re a brunette and like it that way, don’t pick up a box of hair dye. Don’t grow out your hair for him if you like it short, either. It’s your body. You’re in charge of it.

10. Pretend to be someone you’re not: If you can’t stand Survivor, even though it’s his all-time favorite show, that’s okay. You don’t need to have everything in common in order to date.

11. Let him make all of the decisions: Deciding where to go out to eat and which couch to buy for your new apartment should be a team effort. You have a voice. Use it.

12. Shave every inch of your body: If you’re sexually active, you should keep your downstairs area clean and trimmed. But you don’t have to shave everything off, unless you want to. You have the final say. Not him.

13. Get married or have kids. Only do this if it’s what you truly want to do. If you pop out a baby, just because your forever person really wants a baby, your relationship will suffer. You’ll end up drowning in resentment and regrets. Thought Catalog Logo Mark


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