7 Wonders of the Ancient World

The Temple of Artemi ( Turkey) The Temple of Artemis, built around 550 B.C.E., was a massive sanctuary dedicated to the Greek goddess Artemis. It…

10 Funny Facts About July

July is National Hot Dog Month in the US, which makes sense since Americans consume about 150 million hot dogs on the 4th of July…

5 Negative Impacts of Heatwaves on Children 

Heatwaves are prolonged periods of excessively hot weather, often accompanied by high levels of humidity and sometimes high temperatures at night. Heatwaves usually occur during…

10 Powerful Advantages of Short Girls

They appear cute and adorable Short girls often have a youthful and playful appearance that can be extremely charming.   Short Girls are agile  Short…

7 Habits That Destroy Human Brain

Not exercising  Exercise boosts brain-derived neurotrophic factor, which enhances memory.   Your learning and memory are enhanced and new synapses are formed as a result. Regular…