10 Ways to Show Your Partner Love During Valentine’s Day

We would all agree the spirit of Lover’s Day is more about showing love and kindness toward others than the price tag attached to the gesture. You can spread a little love to everyone around you without breaking the bank.

1. Smile

I’m sure you smile often at your Valentine. But consider this; Valentine’s Day travels through every day of the week over a few years.

That means we continue our regular routines (work, errands, appointments), in the midst of this day of love.

The cashier at the store, package delivery guy, teacher in the drop off line, they’re all working instead of spending time with their Valentine. I’m sure they could use a sincere smile and “hello.” It doesn’t cost you anything to spread a little kindness through a simple smile.

2. Be spontaneous

Interject some spontaneity into your regular routine and bring along someone you know and love. It doesn’t have to be expensive or extravagant, just out of the ordinary. Whisk your children off for ice cream on a whim.

Deliver treats to a neighbour or coffee to your co-worker. Spring for the decorated cupcakes at the grocery store. Pile your family in the car for a special eat-out; skip the closest restaurant and head across town (or to the next town!).

3. Give a little kindness

Show some Valentine’s Day love to a complete stranger with a random act of kindness. No one said Valentine’s Day kindness is only limited to those you know and love.

Step outside yourself and your circle to pay for the person behind you in the pizza hut. Or leave an encouraging note for a restaurant server or pass it along to that exhausted mum behind you with the three toddlers in tow. I guarantee you will make their day!

4. Put others first

This step takes little effort and absolutely no preparation: Think of someone other than yourself. That’s it. Nothing could be easier…or more difficult; I’m not sure which.

Here’s the key; set aside your needs, tasks, to-do list and look for ways to make someone else’s day easier. Let someone go ahead of you in line. Help an elderly person with their groceries. Stop and actually talk to that neighbour who lives alone. For one day, make it a point to consider others first.

5. Speak life

All those nice things you think in your head? Say them out loud (but keep the not-so-nice things to yourself!) I really like her necklace. That was a brilliant idea. She’s such a great mum. He works so hard for our family.

Whether it’s someone close to you, or a complete stranger, take the time to put those thoughts into words, either spoken or written. Give the compliment, send the note, and make the phone call. I promise, no one has ever died from giving a compliment.

6. Make a special treat

If you’re handy in the kitchen, whip up a favourite treat to share with your Valentine, a neighbour, friend, or co-worker.

Take some biting to work. Order cookies to deliver to a friend. Purchase a special dessert for family dinner or your spouse’s favourite chocolates. It’s not cliche, it’s classic. Nothing spreads joy and kindness like some little chocolate!

7. Orchestrate grand overture

If you have the resources and you really want to, by all means, go all out for your Valentine. Buy the most expensive gift you could afford and whisk them away on an adventure. Spring for the expensive restaurant. Buy the jewellery. Go big or go home. There’s nothing wrong with a colossal-size expression of love that fits your budget and your style. Make sure it’s your Valentine’s style as well or your effort may not be fully appreciated!

8. Indulge simple pleasures

So, the big getaway weekend is not within your means. Renting the 20-piece orchestra is just not your (or your Valentine’s) style. That’s fine, too.

Do something small to show your loved one(s) they mean the world to you. What tells them you’re thinking of them? What makes them feel loved? A favourite meal or treat? A playlist of favourite songs? A movie? A special outing or adventure? What simple way can you express to the special people in your life that it’s not about what you’re doing, it’s just about doing it with them?

9. Go the extra mile

Choose one, ordinary, everyday thing and take to a whole new level. Instead of your usual lunch out with your spouse, plan a picnic at a special spot. Instead of putting your children on the bus, offer to drive them to school (or pick them up) and make a stop for ice cream on the way. Dust off the fancy dishes and light some candles for dinner. Just one moment of creative indulgence in an otherwise normal routine.

10. Say it in person

Drop in on someone just to say “Hi! Happy Valentine’s Day!” Surprise your spouse at work (as long as it won’t get him in trouble).

Join your child at school for lunch. Take coffee to a friend. Meet a friend for lunch. Visit an elderly relative who may not have a Valentine this year.

If Valentine’s Day is about showing love to those we care about, what better way to do that than in person. Valentine’s Day started with a simple note and grew into a multi-billion-shilling business. Imagine what your simple act of kindness or gracious demonstration of selfless love could do.


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