Today In History: June 12th

Ọsọ Abiola was the mass exodus of South Easterners especially Ndi Igbo on June 12, 1993, from different parts of the country to their Igbo states of origin. Full-blown civil disobedience. 

In full swing dragging economic activities to a halt for two weeks. This was because of June 12, 1993, Nigeria’s Presidential election that was judged to be peaceful, free, and fair, and the result was not made public to date.

The then-military leader, Ibrahim Babangida canceled the election using all kinds of subterfuge. The nation, especially southern Nigeria rose in massive protest against IBB and his henchmen. 

READ ALSO: Today In History –June 11th

Gani Fawehinmi, Dr. Beko-Ransome Kuti, Femi Falana, and Mr. Kokori championed the protest in Lagos demanding the release of election results. 

The election results were obvious, Chief MKO Abiola of the SDP won outrightly. The protests heightened the tension in the country. Many Nigerians panicked, afraid that another civil war was imminent causing many Ndi Igbo to run for their lives, Ọsọ Abiola (Abiola race).

READ ALSO: Today in History–June 8th

Many Igbo businesses were lost in the sad event, some properties were seized in the process by the host, while some were auctioned out of fear of losing them. Like the civil war, Ọsọ Abiola dampened the Igbo spirit.

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