What to Know About the Top 10 Largest Cities in the World

These ten largest cities in the world showcase a mix of rich history, cultural diversity, dynamic economies, and outstanding landmarks, making each city an exciting destination for visitors and a testament to the great accomplishments of humanity.

Tokyo, Japan 

With a population of over 37 million, Tokyo tops the list as the most populous city in the world. Known for its stunning skyline, technological advancement, and vibrant culture, it attracts tourists and migrants alike.

Delhi, India 

The second-largest city, Delhi, has a population exceeding 30 million. It is the political and cultural center of India, boasting a rich history, iconic landmarks like the Red Fort and Jama Masjid, and diverse cuisine.

Shanghai, China 

Shanghai holds the third spot with a population of around 27 million. As a global financial hub, it showcases impressive skyscrapers, such as the Oriental Pearl Tower, and preserves traditional Chinese architecture in places like the Yu Garden.

São Paulo, Brazil 

Brazil’s most populous city accommodates approximately 22 million people. Sao Paulo is known for its lively atmosphere, vibrant street art, and diverse population. It serves as the country’s economic powerhouse.

Mexico City, Mexico 

With a population of around 21 million, Mexico City is the fifth-largest city globally. It blends ancient Aztec ruins like Templo Mayor with modern marvels such as the Palacio de Bellas Artes, offering visitors a unique cultural experience.

Cairo, Egypt 

Cairo, the capital of Egypt, is home to roughly 20 million inhabitants. It features iconic landmarks like the Giza Pyramids and the Sphinx, preserving the legacy of ancient Egyptian civilization.

Dhaka, Bangladesh 

Dhaka houses around 20 million people and is one of the fastest-growing megacities. Known for its bustling markets and rich history, it maintains a unique blend of old and new, with landmarks like Lalbagh Fort and Ahsan Manzil.

Mumbai, India 

Mumbai, India’s financial capital, has a population of around 19 million. Flaunting the Bollywood film industry, iconic sites like the Gateway of India, and a thriving street food culture, it is a city of dreams for many.

Beijing, China 

As the political and cultural center of China, Beijing boasts a population of nearly 21 million people.

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The city combines the grandeur of historical sites like the Great Wall and the Forbidden City with modern architecture like the Bird’s Nest Stadium.

Osaka, Japan 

Osaka rounds up the top 10 with a population of around 19 million. Known as the “Kitchen of Japan,” it offers a gastronomic delight with its street food and vibrant culinary scene. The city features attractions such as Osaka Castle and Universal Studios Japan.

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