20 Educational Jargons and Their Meaning


  1. Curriculum – The set of courses, activities, and materials designed to educate students on a particular subject or skill.
  1. Pedagogy – The practice and art of teaching.
  1. Assessment – The process of evaluating a student’s knowledge, skills, or abilities.
  1. Learning objectives – The specific goals and outcomes an educator wants their students to achieve through instruction.
  1. Differentiated Instruction – Providing individualized instruction to students based on their learning needs.
  1. Bloom’s Taxonomy – A system for categorizing levels of understanding and thinking skills.
  1. Classroom Management – The set of strategies and techniques used by a teacher to maintain an orderly and productive classroom.
  1. Inclusion – The practice of providing equal educational opportunities to all students, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.
  1. Multicultural Education – The recognition and appreciation of diverse cultural perspectives and experiences in classroom instruction.
  1. Student-centered learning – An instructional approach that focuses on the needs and interests of individual students.
  1. Active Learning – An instructional approach that engages students in the learning process through hands-on, experiential activities.
  1. Formative Assessment – An ongoing process of evaluating student progress and using feedback to adjust instruction.

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  1. Summative Assessment – A final evaluation of student learning at the end of a course or unit.
  1. Universal Design for Learning – An instructional framework that aims to remove barriers and increase access to education for all learners.
  1. Achievement Gap – The discrepancy in academic outcomes between students of different racial, ethnic, or socioeconomic backgrounds.
  1. Educational Equity – The principle of fair and equal access to educational opportunities for all students.
  1. Scaffolded instruction – A teaching approach that provides support and guidance to help students learn new concepts and skills.
  1. Collaborative Learning – A learning approach that emphasizes group work and shared responsibility for learning outcomes.
  1. Critical Thinking – The ability to analyze and evaluate information to make informed decisions and solve problems.
  1. Growth Mindset – The belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort and practice.

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