5 Things Every Journalist Should Know

1. Who’s Funding

One of the most important things that every journalist should know is who is funding their work. In some cases, this may mean understanding the funding sources behind the media outlets they work for or report on, while in other cases it may involve researching the funding sources behind a particular story or source. Knowing who is funding media outlets and stories can help journalists understand potential conflicts of interest or biases that may impact their reporting.

For example, a journalist reporting on climate change for a media outlet that receives funding from oil companies should be aware of this potential conflict of interest and strive to report on the issue impartially. Similarly, a journalist covering a story about a particular company or individual should investigate the funding sources behind any sources they use in their reporting to ensure that they are not biased.


  1. Journalism Trends

Another key thing that every journalist should know is the latest trends in the field of journalism. This includes staying up-to-date with changes in technology, shifting audience preferences, and new storytelling techniques. 

For example, data journalism and multimedia storytelling have become increasingly popular in recent years, and journalists who are proficient in these areas will be highly sought after by media outlets.

Knowing the latest trends in journalism can also help journalists anticipate future changes in the industry and position themselves to stay ahead of the curve. This may involve learning new skills, such as coding or video editing, or exploring new areas of coverage that are becoming more popular with audiences.


  1. Training Opportunities

Journalists should always be looking for opportunities to improve their skills through training and workshops. This may involve attending conferences or seminars, enrolling in online courses, or participating in mentorship programs. 

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 Many media outlets also offer in-house training programs, which can be an excellent way for journalists to develop new skills and stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends.

Training opportunities can also help journalists build their networks and make valuable connections in the industry. This can be especially important for freelancers and independent journalists who may have less support and resources than those who work for established media outlets.


  1. In the Spotlight

Every journalist should be aware of the “big stories” that are currently in the spotlight. This includes major news events, social issues, and cultural trends that are receiving significant media coverage. 

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Keeping up-to-date with these stories can help journalists understand the issues that are most important to their audiences and identify potential angles for their own reporting.

However, it is also important for journalists to be mindful of the potential pitfalls of “hot” stories, such as the risk of sensationalism or bias. Journalists should strive to report on important stories in a responsible and impartial manner, even when they are under pressure to deliver breaking news.


  1. Stories that Moved Us

Finally, every journalist should be aware of the stories that have had the most impact on their audiences. This may involve looking back at their own work and analyzing which stories received the most engagement or feedback from readers, or studying the work of other journalists who have had a significant impact on their communities.

Understanding the stories that moved us can help journalists identify the themes and issues that resonate most strongly with their audiences. This can inform their future reporting and help them create work that is both meaningful and impactful. Additionally, studying the work of other journalists can be an excellent way for journalists to learn new storytelling techniques and discover new approaches to their craft.

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