7 most populated countries in the world

India – 1,429,003,321
Current statistics record India as the most populous country in the world. With over 1.4 billion people, it has surpassed all other nations in terms of population. Notably, India rose from being the second most populous country in 2022 to now occupying the top spot. India is known for its vibrant and diverse culture, cuisine, deep-rooted traditions, and religions

China – 1,425,661,206
Coming in at a close second is China, with over 1.4 billion inhabitants.
This vast nation is the world hub for inventions, with numerous world -changing innovations originating from its shores. Almost every country in the world has had the “made in China” impact,especially in Nigeria. China is also rich in historical heritage as it houses the Great Wall of China, constructed in the 7th century BC.

United States – 340,048,733
Holding the third position on the list of most populated countries, the United States boasts a population of approximately 340 million people as of 2023, reported by the World Population Review.
The United States is undeniably the most famous country in the world, leaving a mark on global culture thanks to its movies and music.
Indonesia – 277,599,402
In Southeast Asia lies the country of

Indonesia, home to over 277 million people. This nation is famous for its tropical beaches, diverse religious practices, and historical sites that attract a multitude of tourists.

Pakistan – 240,619,901
Pakistan, located in South Asia, has a population of approximately 240 million people.
Pakistan is famous for its love of Cricket sport, aromatic cuisine, ancient history, and towering mountains.

Nigeria – 223,955,497
As it stands, Nigeria is ranked 6th as one of the most densely populated countries on the continent, with a population of 223 million . It’s predicted that by 2050, Nigeria could become the third most populated country in the world.

Brazil – 216,457,764
In the South American continent, Brazil takes the crown as the most populous country, with approximately 216 million people.
Beyond its population statistics, Brazil is widely recognised as the country of football.

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