Top 3 Countries With Most Homelessness People —See Nigeria’s Position 

These three countries face immense challenges in tackling the homelessness crisis due to both structural and humanitarian factors.


The estimated number of homeless persons in Nigeria is approximately 1.7 million.

Factors contributing to homelessness in Nigeria include poverty, rapid urbanization, inadequate social welfare systems, political instability, and armed conflicts.

However, homelessness poses significant challenges to Nigeria’s growth and development. It exacerbates poverty, hinders economic productivity, strains public resources, and contributes to social unrest. 

Furthermore, it impedes efforts to address other critical issues such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure development.


Pakistan has approximately 2.5 million homeless people 

Homelessness in Pakistan is primarily caused by poverty, unemployment, natural disasters (such as earthquakes and floods), armed conflicts, and internal displacement due to these conflicts.

The high number of homeless individuals in Pakistan has severe repercussions on the country’s sustainable development. It leads to inequality, increased crime rates, health concerns, and reduced access to education and employment opportunities. 

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Moreover, homelessness burdens social services and diverts limited resources away from crucial developmental projects.


Approximately 1.2 million people are home in Egypt.

The factors responsible for homelessness in Egypt can be attributed to a variety of factors, including poverty, unemployment, rapid urbanization, housing shortages, political instability, and displacement due to armed conflicts and regional crises.

This has posed greater effects on the Country’s Growth as the significant homeless population in Egypt poses significant obstacles to the country’s progress. It enhances social inequalities, dampens economic growth, burdens social welfare systems, and strains public resources. 

Furthermore, homelessness perpetuates a cycle of poverty, hindering efforts to achieve inclusive and sustainable development in the country.

Addressing these issues would require comprehensive efforts, investment in affordable housing, skill development programs, and better access to social services. 

Only with these initiatives can the countries hope to uplift their homeless populations, enhancing their overall growth and development.

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