Top 5 Tribes With Most Expensive and Longest Marriage List In Nigeria 

The top five Nigeria tribes with the longest and most expensive marriage list are the Bororo, Kalabari, Okrika, Igbo, and Shuwa Arab tribes. These tribes are culturally rich and diverse, and their marriage customs are highly esteemed.

  1. Bororo Tribe

The Bororo tribe is primarily known for their pastoral lifestyle, with their main occupation being cattle rearing. Their marriage traditions are elaborate and essential in upholding their cultural heritage. The marriage list in the Bororo tribe is known to be one of the longest and most expensive in Nigeria. 

The list usually includes livestock like cows, goats, and sheep, along with other items such as fabrics, jewelry, and household utensils. The groom’s family is expected to fulfill all the items on the list before the marriage can take place.


  1. Kalabari Tribe

The Kalabari tribe is situated in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. Their marriage list is extensive and exorbitant, reflecting the high value placed on marriage within their culture. It usually consists of various traditional and modern items, such as canoes, fabric materials, ornaments, electronics, and even cars. 

The groom’s family is expected to provide these items as a demonstration of their financial capacity and commitment to their daughter’s welfare.


  1. Okrika Tribe

The Okrika tribe is also located in the Niger Delta region and shares some similarities with the Kalabari tribe. Their marriage list is known to be lengthy and costly, as they place significant importance on showcasing wealth and prestige through their marriage customs. 

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The items on the list typically include fabrics, jewelry, furniture, electrical appliances, and vehicles. The bride’s family evaluates the groom’s ability to provide for their daughter based on how well he fulfills the marriage list requirements.


  1. Igbo Tribe

The Igbo tribe, one of the largest ethnic groups in Nigeria, has a rich cultural heritage. The Igbo marriage list is extensive, and it varies from one community to another. 

It usually includes items such as livestock (especially goats and fowls), yam tubers, palm wine, traditional wine, fabrics, and cash. The Igbo people view the marriage list as a way to test the groom’s financial stability and commitment to starting a family.


  1. Shuwa Arab

The Shuwa tribe, also known as the Chadian Arabs, is predominantly found in northeastern Nigeria. Their marriage list is characterized by its length and monetary value. Alongside the expected traditional items such as fabrics, jewelry, and livestock, the list often includes a substantial amount of cash.

 The amount of money demanded on the marriage list can be significant, and the groom’s family is expected to fulfill these financial obligations to demonstrate their ability to support the bride.

In conclusion, these top five Nigerian tribes – Bororo, Kalabari, Okrika, Igbo, and Shuwa Arab– have notable marriage traditions that emphasize the value of cultural heritage, wealth, and commitment. Their marriage lists are known to be among the longest and most expensive in Nigeria, reflecting the significance of marriage in their communities. 

Fulfilling the marriage list requirements is seen as a crucial way to establish the groom’s financial stability and commitment to the bride’s welfare.

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