Crushing on Him or Her? Here’s Simple Ways to Move On

Having a crush on someone can feel exciting at first. You might catch yourself smiling whenever you think about them, replaying your conversations in your head, or imagining what it would be like if they liked you back.

But sometimes, those crushes don’t go the way we hope. Maybe the person doesn’t feel the same way, or maybe they’re already in a relationship. Whatever the reason, it can be hard to stop thinking about them, and that’s when the crush starts to feel more painful than fun.

When you have a crush on someone, it can feel like they’re the only person who matters. You might even find yourself constantly checking your phone, hoping for a message from them, or scrolling through their social media profiles just to feel connected to them. But deep down, you know that holding onto these feelings is stopping you from moving forward and focusing on your own life. The good news is, there are ways to manage those feelings and eventually let go.

Let’s dive into some simple, practical ways to overcome a crush and start feeling like yourself again.

Before you can move on, you need to accept that you’re crushing on someone. It’s natural to feel a bit embarrassed or frustrated about your feelings, but pretending they don’t exist won’t help. Acknowledge your emotions, even if they’re tough to deal with.

It’s okay to have feelings for someone, but accepting them is the first step toward moving past them.

Ask yourself: What exactly am I attracted to? Sometimes, we develop crushes on people because they seem perfect in our eyes. Maybe it’s their looks, their confidence, or how they make us feel. But is it really them that you’re drawn to, or the idea of them?

Take some time to think about why you like this person. You may realize that you’re more in love with the fantasy than the reality. This can make it easier to put things in perspective.

One of the best ways to get over a crush is by creating a bit of distance between you and the person. If you see or talk to them all the time, it can be hard to let go. Try to limit how much you interact with them, whether it’s in person or online.

If you can’t avoid them completely (like if they’re a co-worker or a friend), just try to keep your interactions short and casual. This will help you stop focusing on them so much.

When your mind is constantly thinking about someone, it’s easy to feel stuck. One of the best ways to distract yourself from your crush is by staying busy with activities you enjoy. Get involved in hobbies, spend time with friends, or pick up something new that grabs your attention.

By doing things that make you happy, you’ll remind yourself that life is full of other joys besides thinking about someone who might not feel the same way.

When you’re crushing on someone, it’s easy to overlook their flaws and only see what makes them attractive. But remember, no one is perfect. Try to think about the things that annoy you about them or the ways you two might not actually be compatible.

This isn’t about being negative, but about seeing them for who they really are. Focusing on their imperfections can help you let go of the idealized version you’ve built up in your mind.

We’ve all been there—imagining perfect scenarios where you and your crush end up together, laughing and having a great time. But these daydreams can actually make it harder to move on. The more you fantasize about what *could* be, the more attached you become to something that isn’t real.

Whenever you catch yourself daydreaming, try to gently remind yourself that it’s just a fantasy, not reality. This will help you stay grounded and move on.

Instead of spending all your energy thinking about your crush, shift your energy into working more on yourself, develop yourself more in things that matters to you.


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