In My Dreams, We Are Together…The Forbidden Love

In my dreams, we are together, dancing under the moonlight, our laughter echoing through the night.

It’s true what they say—you can’t always have everything you want, whether for a long time or just a short while, mostly for some unresolved reasons. The same goes for when we catch feelings and fall head over heels for that special person who makes butterflies in our stomachs dance ‘Azonto’. Funny, isn’t it?

Yes if you haven’t pass through that phase then you are a Lion (LOML), before diving into today’s story, let me ask how did you cope with that feelings you develop for that person’s you cannot have! Yes! Have you let go? Or still holding unto it?

Here is a lovely story on a forbidden love, it will warm your heart while you read and maybe you can imagine that special person in your heart.

The forbidden love

There is a proverb that says, “The heart wants what it wants,” and oh, how true that is. I find myself in the peculiar position of loving someone I cannot have, a love both bitter and sweet. It feels like the universe has played a trick on me, placing you just out of reach, where I can see you but cannot touch.

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My feelings for you are like a delicate flower that blooms in a garden full of thorns. Every time I see you, my heart flutters like a butterfly, and I am reminded of the quote, “To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides.” You are the sun I yearn for, yet I am standing in the shadow of what might have been. Each smile you offer, each fleeting glance, feels like a warm breeze on a cold day—comforting, yet reminding me of the distance that separates us.

Our paths crossed like two stars in the night sky, briefly touching before drifting apart. I remember the first time we spoke, your laughter like a melody I wanted to keep forever. It was as if the universe conspired to bring us together, only to remind me of the saying, “Some of the best things in life are worth waiting for.” But waiting seems so cruel when the thing you wait for is forever out of reach.

There are times when I find myself daydreaming about us, imagining a future that will never be. In my dreams, we are together, dancing under the moonlight, our laughter echoing through the night. Yet, as the proverb goes, “Dreams are the whispers of the soul.” And in the waking world, the whisper fades into silence, replaced by the reality of what is and what cannot be.

I am reminded of a proverb that says, “If you love something, set it free.” I must let you go, even though every part of me wishes to hold on. The depth of my feelings is like an ocean—vast, mysterious, and endlessly profound. But, like the ocean, my love remains out of reach, and I must navigate these waters alone. It’s a painful process, learning to live with a heart that is both full and empty at the same time.

Despite the distance, I carry with me the wisdom of another proverb: “Love is not about possession. Love is about appreciation.” And I appreciate every moment I had with you, even if those moments are fleeting and ephemeral. Each encounter, each conversation, has left an indelible mark on my heart. Though I cannot call you mine, the love I have for you has shaped me in ways I never expected.

In the silence of my solitude, I find comfort in knowing that loving you has made me a better person. It has taught me about patience, hope, and the beauty of selfless affection. I have learned that love does not always come with a promise of forever, but it still has the power to transform us.

As I move forward, I hold on to the memory of our time together with gratitude. I know that somewhere, in another time or place, we might have had a different story. But for now, I cherish the love I feel for you—a love that, though it cannot be, will always be a part of me. It is a love that has taught me to embrace the beauty of what is and find peace in the knowledge that some of the greatest loves are those we must let go.

So, I let you go with a heart full of love and a spirit brimming with hope. My love for you remains, a testament to the power of affection and the bittersweet reality of desire. Though we cannot be together, your presence in my life has left an enduring impression, and for that, I will always be grateful.

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