Many may not fully understand the meaning of kissing “tongue to tongue,” but it can be compared to sharing a meal—where saliva is exchanged, and breath is intertwined. This intimate act creates a strong bond that should be handled with care and respect.
Kissing has existed for thousands of years and is not exclusive to humans. Various mammals and animals have been observed engaging in similar behaviours. The act of kissing carries numerous benefits, which is likely why nature bestowed it upon us.
Let’s explore some of the key reasons why people kiss:
1. Kissing for Happiness
Kissing is a way for two people to express their love and can also occur between relatives or close friends. When we kiss, the body releases endorphins, often called happiness hormones, which leave both individuals feeling warm, joyful, and relaxed. Additionally, kissing reduces cortisol levels, making it an effective remedy for stress.
2. Kissing to Excite and Satisfy
Dopamine, a hormone associated with the brain’s reward system, plays a key role in making kissing pleasurable. It is the same hormone released when we enjoy a great meal or experience something we love. Kissing someone we are attracted to triggers dopamine production, creating feelings of happiness, satisfaction, and excitement. Research has shown that dopamine levels rise steadily during intimate moments, peaking at sexual climax before gradually being replaced by prolactin, which helps calm the body.
Prolactin is particularly significant for women due to its role in milk production, which is why breastfeeding often reduces sexual desire. In men, prolactin works alongside other sex hormones to support sperm production.
3. Kissing for a Stronger Bond
When couples kiss, gently intertwining their tongues, the body releases oxytocin, a hormone responsible for strengthening emotional bonds. Oxytocin also plays a role in easing childbirth and supporting the breastfeeding process.
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4. Kissing to Burn Calories
Kissing engages multiple facial muscles, particularly the orbicularis oris muscle around the mouth, along with up to 33 other muscle groups. It also stimulates at least five pairs of nerves, including the olfactory nerve (related to smell), the trigeminal nerve (sensitive to touch), the facial nerve (controlling facial movements), the glossopharyngeal and vagus nerves (affecting voice control), and the hypoglossal nerve (controlling tongue movement). With so many muscles and nerves involved, kissing for one minute can burn up to 26 calories. To ensure a pleasant experience, maintaining good oral hygiene is essential.
5. Kissing to Arouse
Beyond stimulating nerve endings and producing happiness hormones, kissing also facilitates the transmission of testosterone from men to women or between men. Testosterone, the primary male hormone responsible for growth, cell repair, and increased libido, is commonly found in male blood and saliva. French kissing, combined with hugging and other forms of physical touch, can significantly heighten arousal.
Health Considerations
While kissing has many benefits, it can also pose health risks if one partner is unwell. Kissing can transmit infections such as the common cold, hepatitis B, herpes, and warts. To protect your health and that of your loved ones, it is advisable to avoid kissing when experiencing any of these conditions.