Things Love Will Make You Do

Love, a powerful and enigmatic force, can inspire individuals to engage in peculiar behaviors they might not exhibit under ordinary circumstances.

The intoxicating blend of affection, intimacy, and vulnerability can lead to the manifestation of unconventional actions, which, while seemingly bizarre, become cherished expressions of devotion in the realm of romance.

It is within this context that we delve into an exploration of the unconventional, peculiar, and even comical lengths that individuals ensnared by the spell of love may find themselves undertaking.

=> Dress alike or coordinate outfits.

=> Finish each other’s sentences or mimic their mannerisms.

=> Develop a taste for their favorite foods, even if you didn’t like them before.

=> Save strange mementos from your time together, like movie tickets or food receipts.

=> Whisper sweet nothings in public, oblivious to others around you.
Exchange silly pet names or inside jokes.

=> Spend hours taking couple quizzes or researching relationship advice.
Send each other ridiculous memes or GIFs at odd hours.

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=> Agree to watch a TV show or movie you don’t really like, just to spend time together.

=> Try unconventional date ideas, like a food fight or a midnight scavenger hunt.
Create a social media account dedicated to your relationship.

=> Learn a new skill or hobby just to impress them.

=> Get matching tattoos or wear matching jewelry.

=> Share your passwords or give each other access to your devices.

=> Try to imitate their accent or speech patterns.

=> Create a secret language or code only you two understand.

=> Daydream about them during inopportune moments, like during a meeting or exam.

=> Share your deepest secrets or fears, even if they’re embarrassing.

=> Take hundreds of selfies together in different poses and locations.

=> Stay up late talking, even when you have an early morning, just because you don’t want to hang up.

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