‘Japa Syndrome’: Top 10 Countries You Shouldn’t Consider Relocating to and Why

When considering international relocation, Nigerians should be aware of certain factors that may affect their experience. This article highlights five countries that pose potential challenges for Nigerians due to various socio-economic, cultural, and safety concerns.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia may not be an ideal destination for Nigerians due to its strict social and religious laws, limited personal freedoms, and a significant cultural gap. Nigerians may find it difficult to adjust to the Saudi Arabian way of life, especially with regards to restrictions on freedom of expression and limited social activities.

North Korea

Relocating to North Korea should be reconsidered due to the country’s highly authoritarian regime, absolute control of information, and human rights concerns. Nigerians may face extreme limitations on personal freedom, access to the internet, communication with the outside world, and the likelihood of being subjected to surveillance.


Libya has experienced political instability, civil unrest, and security challenges in recent years. Nigerians should exercise caution when considering relocation to Libya, as conflicts between various armed groups, inadequate governance, and uncertain safety conditions prevail. The lack of social services and the presence of human trafficking networks should also be taken into account.


Due to its ongoing economic crisis, Venezuelans are facing significant challenges and limitations in terms of food, healthcare, and personal security. Nigerians considering relocation to Venezuela should note the high crime rates, political instability, and an unpredictable socio-economic situation that may hinder their well-being and prospects for a better life.

Myanmar (Burma)

Myanmar struggles with ethnic conflicts, violence against minority communities, and limited freedom of expression. As Nigerians, the cultural and religious differences, as well as the potential for discrimination and restricted access to certain areas, make Myanmar less favorable for relocation.

READ ALSO: Top 3 Countries With Most Homelessness People —See Nigeria’s Position 

While international relocation offers new opportunities, it is crucial for Nigerians to carefully evaluate potential destinations. Factors such as cultural, socio-economic, and safety considerations should be thoroughly researched to ensure a smooth transition and the chance for a better life abroad.

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